Md Abdullah Al Hafiz

Research Scientists


Research Interests

​MEMS/NEMS, MOEMS, Tunable Micro/nano-resonators, Novel Logic/memory Devices, Sensors & Actuators, Micro/nano-fabrication, Silicon Photonics,  and Optical Interconnects.

Selected Publications

  • MAA Hafiz, R Li, MI Younis, H Fariborzi "A parity checket circuit based on microresonator logic elements" Physics Letters A, 2017.
  • A Hajjaj, MAA Hafiz, and MI Younis "Mode coupling and nonlinear resonances of MEMS arch resonators for near ideal bandpass filters" Nature Scitenfic Reports, 2017.
  • MAA Hafiz, L Kosuru, and MI Younis "Microelectromechanical reprogrammable logic device" Nature Communications, 2016.
  • MAA Hafiz, L Kosuru, and MI Younis "Towards electromechanical computation: An alternative approach to realize complex logic circuits" Journal of Applied Physics, 2016.
  • MAA Hafiz, L Kosuru, and MI Younis "Electrothermal frequency modulated resonator for mechanical memory" Journal of MEMS, 2016.


  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (2011), The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Scientific and Professional Membership

Member, IEEE


EIPRS scholarship from the Australian Government for the PhD program.
SEPA award from the Faculty of Engineering, UNSW for the PhD program.
Scholarship from the OIC (Organization for Islamic Conference) for undergraduate study at IUT